The prestigious Cloud Nine Movies of Dhyanidhi Alagiri has acquired the release rights of Pushkar and Gayathri’s directorial‘ Quarter Cutting’. It is produced by Y Not Studios and features Shiva, SPB Charan,and Lekha Washington in the lead. GV Prakash has scored the music for the film whileNirav Shah handles cinematography movie is going to release in 1st week of Nov.
Ali Larter Photoshoot for Esquire Mexico October 2010
American actress Ali Larter return to her ideal form and appears on the cover page of men’s magazine Esquire Mexico for the month of October 2010
Mexican Model Paulina Flores Hot Photoshoot
Mexican women really are great, and Paulina Flores is no exception. Forget all of the controversy about immigration and all of those unimportant matters, what we really need to be focusing on all of the hotties from Mexico. That is a much better diplomatic method than the one the US Govt. is currently using
Canadian Lingerie Model Paulina Stanek Photoshoot
There’s nothing about this Canadian lingerie model that you wouldn’t love. In fact, Paulina Stanek can charm any man with her hourglass curves and exotic beauty. She has worked for La Senza, and it really does take a lot of digging just to find this hottie. So, it’ll be best if you grab the chance to satisfy your eyes on her lovely assets and let her pictures do the talking.
Wendy Valdez & Jef Gaitan Photoshoot for FHM Philippines October 2010
The former beauty queen Wendy Valdez pose along with Jef Gaitan for a skinny photo shoot, that featured on the men’s magazine FHM Philippines for the month of October 2010.
Dutch Model Fatima Moreira de Mel Hot Pics
Fatima Moreira de Melo is a Dutch model who’s undeniably gorgeous! What’s interesting about her is that she’s a hockey player. In fact, she played 191 international matches for the Dutch national team, where she has scored 30 times. Quite impressive, I wonder how it feels to guard her. If I’d be given a chance, I’d smash her to the bed, just kidding. Anyway, aside from being a striker or should I say strikingly beautiful, she’s also a TV personality, and a singer. She performed the theme song for the International Hockey Federation’s International Year of the Youth at the closing of the 2001 Men’s World Cup Hockey Qualifier in Edinburgh.
Model Rebecca Loos Hottest Pics
Rebecca Loos is a Dutch model and singer, who was brought to media attention following claims that she conducted an affair with the married football player David Beckham—while employed as his personal assistant. These allegations made her into a media personality, and she has since appeared on several reality television series.
Asian Model Haruna Yabuki Hot Photoshoot
Haruna Yabuki looks fine on any angles and she’s something you would want to see every minute. She started her career as a swimsuit model in a department store. Thanks to her jaw-dropping physique and her inviting beauty, for she made in to the movies, where she became more popular for being an actress in the movie “Buraddo enjeru: shisuta obu hato”.